
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Biomedical Informatics
Hubert Department of Global Health
Emory University, Atlanta, GA
azra.ismail AT

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I am building an interdisciplinary lab across Emory and Georgia Tech, and I am actively recruiting students and postdocs interested in HCI (human-computer interaction), computing or informatics, public health, and nursing. Please see the guidelines below if you are interested, and take a look at my past publications to determine if there’s a good fit. My email is azra.ismail AT Given the volume of emails, it is difficult for me to respond to every student. I will be prioritizing emails from students at Emory and Georgia Tech, and those that are responsive to the interests listed below.

I am passionate about supporting students coming from backgrounds that have been systemically excluded from academia (across race, gender, caste, class, ability, and more). Reach out if the mission of the lab strongly resonates with you!

What I am looking for from prospective students and postdocs

I am particularly interested in research with communities in the Atlanta (GA) and South Asian regions, and around reproductive health and wellbeing (but open to other geographies and domains as long there is mission alignment).

How to apply for research opportunities at the CARE Lab?

Prospective PhD students

Apply to the Ph.D. in Computer Science and Informatics at Emory University. The deadline for the next cycle of applications is January 1st, 2024. You can review the program expectations and application requirements on this link (Emory does NOT require a GRE score!). The program is fully funded if you are accepted, and Emory has application fee waivers available on request in case of financial hardship. Additionally, send me an email that briefly describes your research interests, the institution and program that you are affiliated with, current advisors (if any), and your CV.


Please send me an email about your research interests along with your CV, and link to publications.

Current students at Emory or Georgia Tech

Already a graduate or undergraduate student at Emory or Georgia Tech? Send me an email briefly describing your research interests, the program that you are affiliated with, current advisors (if any), and your CV. You can apply to do research for credit, and a limited number of funded RA positions are also available (prioritizing senior students).


Send me an email mentioning your research interests, the program that you are affiliated with, current advisors (if any), and your CV. Funded opportunities are not available, but happy to have a chat if there’s a strong alignment in research interests!

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